Top 5 ways to make your e-tail business more environmentally friendly

15 February, 2022

E-Commerce Sustainability

The future of your e-tail business is yours to shape but with the biggest challenges being environmental issues, a sustainable future is a priority for many e-commerce businesses wanting to lessen their impact on the environment.

Asendia is a green logistics company committed to reducing our carbon footprint, along with supporting and advising customers with their own sustainability objectives. Reducing your business’ carbon footprint and creating a greener supply chain are goals which can be easily achieved through small changes.

Shout about it!
Assessing your carbon footprint is a good way of setting your business on the green path and crucial to make your operations more sustainable. The end result can help set you apart from your competitors, retain current customers and attract new ones.

Tell your customers what your plans are and help educate them how they can do the same by going green. Show them that you know what your biggest emission drivers are, including those within your postage and packaging logistics.

You then not only find the hotspot areas where reductions need to be made so you can start managing your carbon footprint, but your customers are also fully aware of what changes you are making and why.

They then know you’re aligned with their ‘green’ attitudes and are more likely to choose you over those who don’t appear to have an environmental policy.

CO2 neutral shipping solutions
Choosing carbon offsetting as a method on your way towards carbon neutrality is a great way of decreasing your carbon footprint. Carbon offset schemes allow individuals and companies to invest in environmental projects around the World designed to reduce future emissions like using surplus waste gases to generate electricity and steam, or renewable energies, like wind farms.

Asendia does just that by investing in a wide range of certified projects to offset 100% of all their emissions from international deliveries and returns.

Change your delivery methods
Reducing the number of vehicle trips and creating more drop off points in turn reduces fuel consumption and helps customers avoid making unnecessary travel journeys. So, bulk orders, will also make a significant difference. Consider shipping stock to a distribution centre overseas in bulk, so individual orders have a shorter distance to travel once dispatched. You can find out more about Asendia’s Order Fulfilment Centres here.

Reduce, reuse and recycle
Set your company on the path to a greener and cleaner future and reduce or stamp out the use of single use plastic for packaging and find alternatives such as recycled materials, cardboard boxes or compostable and biodegradable plastic alternatives.

Recycle everything you don’t use. According to a study from the Ellen Macarthur Foundation, currently less than 14% of the nearly 86 million tonnes of plastic packaging produced globally each year is recycled, the vast majority is landfilled.

Go paperless
Eliminate paper waste. It takes about 24 trees to make one tonne of standard office paper.
A paperless workspace replaced by using mobile channels not only brings enormous environmental benefits but can save your business time and money, and boost productivity.

If you’d like to find out more about how Asendia can help revolutionise the mail order operations of your business and make them cleaner and greener, head to our sustainability microsite at


Sustainability & e-commerce infographic What does sustainable e-commerce look like in 2022 (3)

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