How can using a mailing house reduce your postage costs?

09 April, 2024


Outsourcing to a mailing house can save you time and money.

Let’s face it, running and a business can be expensive and it’s always a good idea to see how you can cut costs without cutting quality.

One way you can do this it by outsourcing, and one of the easiest things for businesses to outsource is their direct marketing campaign fulfilment.

Companies that offer this service are called mailing houses, but what exactly does that mean?

A mailing house is, simply put, a secret (and often overlooked) weapon in reducing your financial and time costs associated with getting campaigns out of your door and into the hands of your customers and prospects.

They handle everything from printing, addressing, sorting, and delivering mail directly to postal companies using advanced equipment and expertise to handle large volumes of mail quickly and safely.

And it’s the volume of mail they handle that makes all the difference here. Pulling together all the mail they handle from multiple clients, they can negotiate bulk discounts with postal carriers that would be impossible for you to get on your own.

These discounts aren’t small either. Research by Baker Goodchild found that mailing houses can reduce postage costs by up to 30% for businesses that send bulk mail.

That's money you could then reinvest in better marketing, products, staff or anything else your business needs.

Data management benefits

A successful business will have a lot of customers, and let’s face it, nobody enjoys managing mailing lists and keeping them up to date.

Or do they?

Mailing houses are experts in keeping data up today and easy to digest. After all, it’s data they need to make sure they can do their jobs properly.

They'll keep lists free of duplicates, deceased recipients, and other mistakes that can cost you money or delay deliveries.

According to the USPS, even a small improvement in data accuracy (around 90% postcode accuracy) can significantly reduce postage costs thanks to sorting discounts.


Timing is critical

Mailing houses have become packing and labelling Olympic champions – they have the equipment and expertise to get your mail out the door faster than you and your team could, while also dealing with everything else your business throws at you. This can mean you spend less time managing the campaign and more time following it up. Also, if you need to hit a certain date, such as an end of season sale, or a direct mailing that goes hand-in-hand with an ad campaign, a mailing house can help you hot your target.

They’ll also have quality control measures in place to make sure mailings are accurate and error-free, reducing the risk of costly mistakes.

Plus, they’re scalable. If you're sending out a few hundred packages or tens of thousands of letters, mailing houses can scale their services to meet your needs.

This flexibility is a must-have if you’re a business experiencing growth or seasonal fluctuations in mail volume.

If you’d like to see how Asendia can act as a mailing house for your business, taking on everything to do with picking, packing and shipping (as well as secure customer data management), at a rate that suits your budget, drop us a line.

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