5 Reasons to Use Direct Mail in 2020

07 July, 2020


There's been a lot of rumours surrounding the direct mail industry in recent years. Will print survive digital? Is it cost-effective? Do people want to receive snail mail?

Data quashes all these concerns by confirming that direct mail is alive and thriving, helping businesses around the world target audiences through bolder, more effective means of messaging.

If you're considering direct mail as part of your 2020 marketing strategy, we've highlighted five fantastic reasons why you should be incorporating direct mail into your promotional activities this year.


Customers respond to direct mail

Yes, they do! Statistically, digital advertising gets a 1% return, whereas direct mail sent to house lists (these are folks that have already bought from you) receives a 9% response rate. For prospects, you can expect a 4.9% response rate. So, if your business relies on engagement, it's certainly worth investing some of your marketing budget into direct mail.


Your message is loud and clear.

Let's be honest, one of the first things we do when we open our inbox is to select and delete promotional emails – even the ones we've subscribed to. Why? Because there's just too much communication coming our way and not enough time in the day to absorb it all.

So, why not try a different approach? While your competitors are spamming and overwhelming customers with digital messaging, why not bypass the noise and slide through their post flap instead. Since there's already less physical mail to contend with, you'll have your recipient's direct attention and a higher chance of them reading your content and making a decision about your offering.

The romance isn't dead

Yes, you can personalise digital promotions, use cookies to tailor your content offers and nudge people through the sales funnel, but there's something extra special about printing your customer's name out and sending them a personalised message directly to their home address. It's engaging, it's tangible, and it plays on that old school nostalgia. Who doesn't love opening a letter?


Target your audience

You can target extremely accurately and effectively with digital marketing, of course. But you can achieve similar results with direct mail too. Specialist mailing houses will be able to supply you with comprehensive lists that provide useful information on the geographical area you are looking to target with your direct mail. It's also worth keeping in mind that although it may seem like everyone is online these days, that's not the case. Digital advertising can sometimes exclude certain demographic types who do not rely on online content for purchasing decisions, making direct mail the best way to bring awareness of your brand to these customers.


Digital and direct mail: a true partnership

The nature of the relationship economy is actually driving a marriage between your digital and direct mail marketing efforts. It shouldn't be a case of one or the other – unless your product really isn't suited to a particular style of promotion.

Your digital campaigns will get a significant boost if you align your efforts in that realm with your direct mail campaigns. For example, you can use QR codes and coupons to trace engagement and interaction with your promotions by leading customers to your digital platforms after their attention has been captured through direct mail.


We help hundreds of businesses launch effective campaigns on a global scale by offering competitive pricing and years worth of experience in assisting brands to reach local and international audiences through direct mail.

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